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3rd Grade

Hi everyone! I hope you are staying safe and finding things to do at home! Below you will find work from Miss Leach and Mrs. Strycharz. Make sure students login to TEAMS every day as well to get updates and see the word posted there.

You can contact us on ClassDojo or email us!

Miss Leach – [email protected]

Mrs. Strycharz – [email protected]


IMPORTANT: If students finish any four assigned ReadWorks articles and the four assigned Math i-Ready lessons for the week then they will be allowed to participate in a Show-and-Tell Zoom on Friday where they can share something with the class!


Please send us pictures of student work on ClassDojo! Not for grading, we would just love to see what students have been doing! 😊


Zoom: @11am à Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

How-To Videos:

Students can choose something that they know how to do well and create a How-To video to teach the class! Send us your videos and we will share with everyone!

Some examples: How-To… make a sandwich, clean the kitchen, bake cookies, wash a dog, take care of a fish




Student Application Page:

To get to the application page that you see on your school computer you can go to….

  • If it asks you to login, use the same username and password that you would use to login to your school computer!



Make sure to login to i-Ready! You should work on i-Ready Reading for at least 1 hour a week (15 minutes a day). For i-Ready Math you can complete any assigned lessons (past due and current) and if you are done with them all then make sure you have 1 hour every week (15 minutes a day)! When you finish check out some of these other websites!

Read, Read, Read!

Make sure you are reading every day! You can read a book you have at home or go to Scholastic Literacy Pro on your application page!

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